Malaysian School Holiday 2025 iCal

I updated the feed to include the 2025(26) dates. I also added a redirect for the file. It is now shorter. Those who already added it to their calendar can continue and automatically receive the new dates.

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Group A

Group B

Bare URL

For Copy and Pasting into your calendar

Note: I marked it as 2025 as it only crosses a little bit into 2026.

Orange Juice + Coffee: A Strange Yet Surprisingly Good Combo?

So, I stumbled upon this odd combo in a ZUS Coffee ad: orange juice mixed with coffee. I know, it sounds weird, right? But something about it just made me want to give it a try. I mean, who wouldn’t be curious about how that would taste?

I decided to go for it and make my own version at home. I just used some freeze-dried coffee because, let’s be honest, it’s quick and I didn’t want to go all out on something that might end up tasting awful. But to my surprise, it wasn’t bad at all! The tanginess of the orange juice didn’t clash with the coffee as I thought it would. In fact, it was kind of refreshing. It’s not like mixing coffee with milk where the coffee flavor usually dominates. Here, both flavors hold their ground, and it somehow works.

If you’re someone who likes to mix things up and try something new, I’d say give this a shot. It might not replace your morning latte, but it’s definitely something interesting to sip on when you’re in the mood for a little adventure. Who knew something so strange could taste this good?

Transforming Education: Embracing a New Paradigm

New Paradigm

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, I find myself at a crossroads. The traditional methods I once held dear now seem outdated, urging me to embrace a new paradigm. This change isn’t just for my benefit but for the future of my students.

From Teacher Knows Everything to Teacher as Facilitator

Gone are the days when the teacher was the sole authority in the classroom. The modern educational environment demands a shift from being the all-knowing figure to becoming a facilitator of knowledge. My role now is to guide, inspire, and support students as they navigate their own learning journeys. Encouraging independent thinking and fostering a collaborative atmosphere are key to this transformation.

From Mistake is Bad to Mistake is Learning

In the past, mistakes were often viewed as failures, something to be avoided at all costs. However, I have come to realize that mistakes are invaluable learning opportunities. Embracing errors and reflecting on them helps students develop resilience and critical thinking skills. This shift in mindset transforms the classroom into a safe space for experimentation and growth.

From Kids Listen to Kids Think

The traditional model of passive learning, where students merely absorb information, is no longer sufficient. Today’s educational approach prioritizes active engagement and critical thinking. Encouraging students to question, analyze, and synthesize information empowers them to become independent learners and problem-solvers.

From Goal = Good Grades to Goal = Learning

The emphasis on achieving high grades has overshadowed the true purpose of education: learning. Shifting the focus from grades to the acquisition of knowledge and skills fosters a deeper understanding and a lifelong love of learning. This approach nurtures well-rounded individuals who are better prepared for the complexities of the modern world.

From Memorise Facts to Solve Problems

Memorization of facts has its place, but the ability to solve problems is far more crucial in today’s dynamic environment. Encouraging students to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios enhances their analytical and creative thinking abilities. This problem-solving focus prepares them to tackle challenges both inside and outside the classroom.

Embracing these changes is not easy, but it is necessary. By evolving my teaching practices, I not only enhance my professional growth but also contribute to a more effective and meaningful education for my students.

Reflecting on these shifts, I am reminded of the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the pursuit of educational excellence. Together, we can create a learning environment that truly prepares students for the future.

Tech or No-Tech: Balancing Data and Intuition in Education

Recently, I revisited two fascinating films, ‘Moneyball’ and ‘Trouble with the Curve,’ released just a year apart. Their contrasting views on the role of technology and human judgment in decision-making got me thinking about similar dynamics in educational technology.

‘Moneyball,’ with its emphasis on data-driven strategies, is a testament to how analytics can redefine traditional practices. In contrast, ‘Trouble with the Curve’ advocates for the irreplaceable value of human intuition and experience, reminding us that not everything can be quantified.

In the realm of education, this dichotomy is particularly relevant. As we integrate digital tools in classrooms, the question arises: How do we strike the right balance between technology and the human element? While technology can enhance efficiency and access to information, it cannot replace the nuanced understanding and personal touch that educators bring.

This leads to a broader reflection on the role of technology in our lives. Technology, undoubtedly, has revolutionized how we learn, communicate, and interact. However, it’s essential to remember that it’s a tool to augment our capabilities, not replace them. In education, this means leveraging technology to support and enhance teaching, not to overshadow the critical role of teachers.

As we continue to navigate this tech-driven era, it’s crucial to remember the value of human judgment and intuition. In the intersection of technology and education, let’s aim for a harmonious balance where tech supports and elevates the human experience, not diminishes it.

The Lazy Solution : Efficient Problem Solving

In the field of education, there’s a compelling need for solutions that not only address challenges but also simplify processes. Bill Gates encapsulated this concept brilliantly: “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

This quote isn’t a nod to laziness; it’s an ode to efficiency and simplicity. It’s particularly relevant in education, where complex problems often demand elegantly simple solutions.

Why is this significant? In education, our decisions and solutions have direct and tangible impacts on both teachers and students. Complexity in educational strategies, methods, or tools can often lead to confusion or reluctance, while simplicity fosters accessibility, engagement, and effective learning.

For instance, consider the introduction of new teaching methodologies or assessment techniques. Their success doesn’t hinge on their complexity but on how easily they can be integrated into the existing educational framework. They should feel like a natural extension of the teaching and learning process, not an overwhelming addition.

This philosophy is crucial when evaluating any new initiative in education, be it policy changes, curriculum redesign, or the introduction of supporting technologies. The ideal solutions (lazy solutions) are those that are user-friendly, efficient and easily adaptable, enhancing the educational experience without adding unnecessary layers of complexity.

Drawing from Gates’ wisdom, we’re reminded of the importance of seeking simplicity in our problem-solving approaches. In education, our aim should not just be to solve problems but to do so in a manner that simplifies and enriches the educational journey for all involved. That’s the essence of true educational innovation and effectiveness.

Malaysian School Holiday 24/25 iCal

MOE released next school session’s calendar. I updated the feed to include the 2024/2025 dates. I also moved the file to a shorter url.

Download Links

Group A

Group B

Bare URL

For Copy and Pasting into your calendar

Update: Included Group B as requested

Multiple Devices, One Experience

This week has been all about simplifying the use of two computers for me.

  1. Mouse Without Borders:
    I stumbled upon an app called “Mouse without borders.” It’s quite nifty. With it, I could effortlessly use a single keyboard and mouse across both my computers. The best part? I could directly copy and paste between the two systems. MAGIC!
  2. Using a PC as a Display:
    Instead of getting a new monitor for my laptop, I tried something different. I projected my laptop’s screen onto my PC. All it took was enabling the “projecting to this pc” feature. It’s like having a second screen without the added cost or clutter.

It’s been a week of discoveries, and I’m excited to see what other tech tricks I can uncover next!

So, using two computers together can be easy. With the right apps and settings, it’s simple and helpful.

The Dilbert vs. Peter Principle: A Quick Dive

In the realm of organizational behavior, two humorous yet insightful principles stand out: The Dilbert Principle and The Peter Principle. Both offer unique takes on the dynamics of corporate hierarchies, but how do they differ?

The Peter Principle, coined by Dr. Laurence J. Peter in 1969, posits that “in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence.” In simpler terms, people get promoted based on their current job performance until they reach a position where they’re no longer competent. The result? A corporate structure filled with employees who are out of their depth.

On the other hand, The Dilbert Principle, introduced by cartoonist Scott Adams, takes a slightly more cynical view. It suggests that companies tend to promote their least competent employees to management positions to limit the damage they can do. In the world of Dilbert, it’s not about rising to your level of incompetence; it’s about being strategically placed there.

While both principles paint a bleak picture of corporate promotions, they offer valuable insights. The Peter Principle warns organizations of the dangers of promoting solely based on current performance without considering the skills needed for the next role. The Dilbert Principle, meanwhile, serves as a satirical reminder that sometimes, management decisions can be baffling.

In conclusion, while both principles approach the topic with humor, they serve as cautionary tales. Organizations must be mindful of their promotion strategies to ensure that they’re placing the right people in the right roles for the right reasons.

While both principles shed light on organizational inefficiencies, they offer different perspectives on the dynamics of promotions. In essence, while Peter’s principle warns of the dangers of promoting based on past performance, Dilbert’s highlights the irony of corporate decision-making.

Do, Don’t, Overdo: The Fine Line Between Success and Overkill

In the realm of personal and professional endeavors, there’s a delicate balance between doing, not doing, and overdoing. Many of us are familiar with the first two, but it’s the third that often trips us up. Overdoing can be just as detrimental as not doing at all, especially when it comes to self-promotion.

I recall an incident from my college days that perfectly encapsulates this. A group of enthusiastic students decided to create a video on the very topic of “do, don’t, overdo.” They had the right intentions, aiming to educate their peers on the importance of moderation. However, in their zeal, they overdid the production, adding flashy graphics, dramatic music, and an overly lengthy script. The message was lost amidst the razzmatazz.

Favouristim : Nepotism or Cronyism

According to The Oxford Dictionary,

Nepotism is the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving them jobs.


Cronyism is the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.

The keyword that differentiates between these two word is “qualification”, if you favour someone over another and both of them are qualified for the job then you should use the word nepotism. If however you still favour someone even though they are less qualified then that is cronyism.

Now let’s rethink your word choice.
