Hahahah, yeah I’m back in Kelantan. The bus ride took 6 hours (usually 7 – 8) which I slept thru just fine. And almost missing my stop. Heheheh…
Managed to see Matrix Revolutions at the cinema. Actually I was going to see Masked Rider Dragon, but as the show was scheduled at 7pm and my bus is at 9pm so we watched Matrix which obviously my friend and I has already watched before. But what the heck, the other offering was not that good 🙁 Managed to get some shut eye during the movie ekekek. No it was not boring, just that I’ve seen it and I was tired.
Here at home as usual nothing much to do other than grabbing a book or two to read. I’ve just started reading some greek text, Iliad by Homer to be exact. This is actually a sort of preparation before seeing Troy. Just can’t wait to see it actually. Who wouldn’t knowing how Brad Pitt just likes to pick on his script, and you would know by seeing how good he performed in Seven. The other attraction would be Orlando Bloom. (yeah I can hear you girls screaming his name :p) Two heart throbs in a movie. Hahah this movie would really attract some female audience. Me, I’m just gonna watch it to enjoy the literature and the good actings 🙂
Ok I need to get back to my books 🙂
i LOVE Se7en!!
ya allahh, tak berkarat ke bontot duk lame2 dlm bas tu? aduiii…
ali, saya pun suka gila seben… ekek
ida, tak berkaratlah sbb sejuk sgt.. jadi popsicle jer, dah la dah pakai my warmest sweater!! huhu
First time here 🙂
I remember learning Iliad when I was in college.Damn long prose!Good story though.Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom?Hmm,must watch that movie 😀