It was a wonderful day, managed to settle a lot of stuff here at USM, going up and down thru the bureaucracy here at USM and such. And then, I was given a surprise, a priviledge of a sort. I was invited by my friend Aiman to join him and his senior, Sarly and Junaidi. They were going to document Sri Mutiara’s interior design. So I got to do the still photography part. The interior design was done by a Dr. Hafizah and Hani (Sarly’s wife). Sarly was video taping the whole place, while I was trying to get some nice shots of the place. When I say we were given a priviledge, it truly was a priviledge because we were allowed to enter all the rooms, even the bedroom of TYT, managed to get pics of his AV room cum Office, damn it was nice. And I also got to go in the room that Pak Lah usually stays at. Hehehehe. The whole exercise was done so that Dr. Hafizah would have a documentation of the whole design, because she is going to write a book about it. And also because they wants to do a bit of a montage for the TYT. Did all of that in 3 hours, from 8.30pm til 11.30pm. TYT and family joined us later on in the night. Managed to salam Toh Puan :p And got to hear TYT playing a few tunes on the piano, was busy taking pictures in another room so we didn’t really get to see him playing. All in all it was tiring yet fun. Why shouldn’t it, I’m only an amateur photographer but I was invited for that hehehe 😀 I’ll try to put up the pics from the photoshoot in a few more days. If I can ever manage to find the time to put it up.

On another note, I have just got back home from Penang (my gamble to stay another day paid off with the Sri Mutiara Shoot) and here I’m happy to say that my new graphic card has been delivered. It’s dual monitor capable so currently I’m using 2 monitors. The quality is quite decent considering its an old model, don’t ask me why, but I really like old models that has been tried and tested.
p/s: Sri Mutiara is the Residence of Penang’s Yang Dipertua, also affectionately called TYT (Tuan Yang Terutama). Toh Puan is his wife lahhh.. :p