This is a long overdue entry, this entry was originally sparked by a conversation I had while I was on my road trip sometime back with my bestfriend. We talked about his love life and my love life. Categories of men… and how women look at men.. and so on and so forth…
Among the things that we talked about was what is it that girls look for in a guy. Being ppl with scientific backgrounds, we manage to divide guys into 3 major group, which as always with human sciences .. is interrelated and is overlapping is some major areas. (yes, we are nerdy and a bit out of the loop :p)
So what is the groups? Group A is the macho guy with the look and physical prowess (and maybe some moolah). Group B is your typical romantic, sensitive type of guy. and Group C is the dependable guy. (either financially or emotionally or both). The grouping is very subjective 🙂 But mostly determined on the major points of a guy. He can be sensitive and dependable but maybe he’s more sensitive? He maybe macho and dependable, but he may rely on his machoistic nature to attract girls. You get what I mean 🙂
So we managed to group guys according to what girls tends to look for. But let us step back and begin to wonder… what type of girl would go for a particular kind of guy? After some groping around, we best concluded it is based on the maturity of the girl/woman. Because the trend is, as the girl gets more mature, she tends to look beyond the physical look of a person, and begins to see what’s underneath (as is with any other sane being).
my conclusion on that day was that girls that go for Group C (dependable) is usually 25 and above. (prepared to get married, needs a dependable guy)
The ones that go for Group B (sensitive) is basically around the age of 20 to 25. Emotional turmoil period, needing someone who understands them.. that sorts of thing :p
And lastly for Group A. we couldnt identify it with any age group, as maturity isnt really connected with age.. and the age that was given is just as a pointer, because that’s when the selected mind setting occurs :p
Btw. I actually did some work on this theory. :p I actually went as far as to ask girls what do they look for in a guy. And basically most of them conformed to the theories I made.. the few that didn’t was clearly slightly more/less mature than their age group 🙂
Any comments on this crazy idea of mine?
p/s: This idea will conform with the materialistic girls theory 🙂 Just exchange macho with money 🙂
Category: Thoughts
Who’s The One?
Had a rather stimulating conversation with a friend. Debating on the how you are to choose ur life partner. Even talking about the ones that ur parent chooses.
As i explained to her, Love comes from the heart. But to choose someone to spend the rest of your life, you need a balance of need and want. Need in this case is using ur brain to choose him/her and Want is the act of wanting that person.
You seriously love a person… but sometimes you just can’t live with that person for the rest of your life.. That’s where the need comes in. A combination of using ur brain (need) an ur heart (want).
Balance is always needed when making life changing decisions.. Life is always balance. 🙂
Then comes the other topic, parent’s choice. For me arranged marriages is a thing of the past. Not many will have that come between them and their love. And still I do not deny that the parent’s choice has its benefits. And to be fair all round it is beneficial for the parent to be able to come up with a few choices. Not just one, one means arranged… means u must marry that guy/girl. Which is not free choice. But if your parents come with a few choices… juicy ones that is. Could you resist? For me and my parents (yes I’m still young but the topic comes out sometimes) the choice is still in my hands… I’ve been hinted sometimes but still, a smile would be enough for my parents to know that I’m not interested.
So between how to choose? and your parent’s choice… both must have its own balance. Balance on need and want. And balance on your choice and your parent’s 🙂
:rose: Adieu
I know this entry would sound stupid in the end, but still, it is a point worth noted.
First of all I’d like to tell you there is a common misconception about iced lemon tea or lemon tea and also its brother iced lemon. Why do I say that? Coz it’s not lemon that we Malaysian use. Its lime most of the time except at those big restaurant and hotels. And how did I found out? Coz I was actually corrected a by a restaurant owner. I ordered iced lemon (limau ais), she promptly mentioned, its lime not lemon 🙂 Hoho it would have done me no good to get into a fight with the makcik :p Coz she’s been living in the US for quite sometime before coming back to Malaysia.
So that’s it… Iced Lime Tea and Iced Lime :p (true if you are eating at the mamak’s)
One other point to note. Iced Lime/Lemon Tea is bad for you. From the perspective of the doctor, you are only drinking a mixture of salt. Lime or Lemon is acidic and Tea is alkaline. Put those 2 together you get water and salt. Which won’t do your kidneys good 🙂 So no more Lime + Tea for you ppl ok :p
As a sidenote the thing about acidic + alkaline stuff can also be applied to the Vitamins you eat. Note that certain vitamin are acidic and others are alkaline. If you need to eat both type. Make sure you separate it by at least 15 minutes, at least that’s what my doctor told me.
:rose: Adieu
Fluoride Bling Bling
I’ve been reading a few articles about a research that shows the effect of fluoridation of water on children’s intelligence….
and for a starter… fluoride can cause children to be stupider (plainly speaking that is)…. it is found that fluoride crosses the blood-brain barrier producing biochemical and functional impairment of the nervous system during developmental periods (tech speak)… ekekek
so there you have it.. now I demand everyone to tell their kids and younger siblings not to brush their teeth :)) no just kidding actually just don’t let them swallow those water after brushing…. *now i know why i’m so stupid.. slalu telan air tu* …
ah.. and as an afternote.. as mentioned by Hez.. “bling bling” has just been inducted into the Oxford dictionary.. won’t that make P. Diddy famous? BTW what the heck does “bling bling” means? pahh crazy bugger…
🙂 Adieu
Fluoride Alert
Bling Bling
Hello Are U Deaf
Don’t you just hate it when one of those stupid phone blares down in the middle of a good movie…. Oh I can’t even remember the number of times I felt like smacking ppl in the face just for that.. only self control and the thought of the person being able to sue me back kept me in my chairs…
Most ppl just don’t know the proper manner for mobile use.. I mean can’t u just see the signs before entering the movie hall that explicitly says no hphone…. If only that can be considered a crime against the law. Now wouldnt that be interesting.. how many ppl would be caught and fined… hehehehe
Outside our country it is permissible to use mobile jammers that can jam ur phone signals.. anyway according to the star…. our law doesn’t allow that… but hehehe 🙂 I know a place where that jammer has been used.. my local univ library to be exact. One fine day.. I went there to look for a book and as I was about to turn the phone into silent mode I noticed that there was no signal.. heck I know that the place is always bad for reception but not a single bar? Hmm then I read a notice saying that they were using a jammer inside the library… Haha interesting… considering the fact that it’s against our law to use it….
Now how did they go about that? Some ppl higher up must be very good eh… but heck I’ll send an email soon enough to the admin….
Ok enough of that.. go read the article at The Star
And here’s the regulation involved at the MCMC
And the acts at the MCMC
Forwarding :: A Lesson In Security
Ok this entry is actually an email of mine to a group of friends, about why I soooo hate forwards, chain letters and bla bla. Sorry this one is in Malay.. I’ll translate some other time if there is reason enough
Ok ni nak citer sikit
forward, utk pengetahuan rakan rakan, forward ni digunakan oleh spammer untuk mengutip alamat email kita utk digunakan utk tujuan spam kita.
bagaimana? pernah kah anda melihat senarai email yang kawan kita hantar kepada kita? bagaimana kalau senarai semua email tersebut sampai kepada spammer? maka penuhla email anda dan orang2 lain dengan benda benda tak berfaedah, porno, iklan bodo dan sebagainya
bagaimana untuk menggunakan forward secara bijak?
1. pastikan anda delete semua senarai email dari penghantar sebelum menghantar email. mungkin dia tak tahu, tak mengapa, tapi jangan ANDA yang buat sambil lewa.
2. sila gunakan kemudahan BCC. letakkan hanya satu alamat email di ruangan TO. dan yang selebihnya di ruangan BCC. Penerima yang menerima forward anda akan hanya dapat melihat email tersebut dihantar kepada penerima di ruangan TO. dan yang berada di ruangan BCC tidak akan kelihatan.
ambil perhatian bahawa kebanyakan email percuma (hotmail, yahoo) memerlukan anda meletakkan sekurang2nya satu alamat email di ruangan TO.
ok dah selesai tanggungjawab.
For your info …. 80% of all forwards/chain letter are started by Spammers…. 100% of chain letters are used by spammers to harvest emails…
Spammers monitors open mailing list for email adresses… if using yahoogroups plz set it to require approval to join. If most of ur group would rather read it online.. have the mailing list not display email addresses….
Now forward this nice advice on how to forward securely… and avoid getting more junkmails into ur mail box….
“Don’t want spam, don’t own an email address – Bill Gates (not)”
Listening to : My CDRW spinning madly
Zodiac Dating Guide (Female)
Disclaimer : This is not my writing, if these are yours, contact me and proper credit will be given
Sagittarius Female
The Sagittarius woman is vivacious, funny, self assured, and sophisticated. She probably had an opportunity to travel as a child, and will need to continue to do so throughout her life. She`s a woman who needs challenge and intellectual stimulation in all parts of her life.
Sag women are often highly successful at what they set out to do simply because they are so positive they will succeed. Since the sign also rules international communication, they are either known worldwide or deal with matters of global importance. This is not an overly-sensitive sign, and when criticized, they listen carefully to the feedback. She should be careful not to hurt her mate`s feelings by being too direct in her comments; Sag often has no idea of how her words effect others. Her man should also be sure to allow her a sense of freedom which is highly important to the Sag woman.
Your Challenge
To keep her intellectually stimulated will be a lifelong struggle. This is no dumb bunny, and you may have to struggle to keep up with her. (Her idea of fun is listening to National Public Radio.) She gets bored easily, so be forewarned!
How To Handle Her
Her sign rules the centaur, half man, half horse, pointing high, toward the sky, which symbolizes her quest to reach the lofty goals she`s set. She could be “high maintenance” in that you will have to endure all the highs and lows of her existence, for her motto is nothing ventured, nothing gained. Alas, some things just aren`t going too work out, but unlike Cancer, who will try to second-guess themselves, Sag`s optimism will buoy her up. She will be on to Plan B in no time. Sometimes this could be exhausting for you, so keep the vitamins handy.
Places To Go, Things To Buy Her
If you`d like to get her a fragrance, choose one of the fresh new uni-sex fragrance, for she won`t wear anything too conventionally flowery or sweet. She is apt to be a runner or do some equally strenuous sport–can you imagine a marathon runner fussing with Arpege? Not quite.
Her likes her look sporty, preferring pants to skirts and sportswear to anything more formal. Sag generally likes comfortable shoes, the heels not too high. It must have been a Sag who started the trend of wearing her sneakers on the way to work. Often Sag women were tomboys as a kid, and as a woman she manages to keep her enviable figure because of all the exercise she gets. Give her clothing which is body revealing, such as a mini skirt and matching top in lycra or spandex. She is one woman who can carry it off in style! Or treat her to ten weeks with a personal trainer and she`ll be yours for life.
The Sag woman has no patience with frilly nightgowns but prefers either something plain and natural. What would she most likely wear to bed? A cool, thin, tight white cotton tank top which outlines her breasts, worn with tiny cotton string panties–or nothing at all. She likes men`s wear, so you might catch her putting on your button-down shirt with not much else on but a smile. (Remember how fetching Annette Bening looked in the seduction scene from American President?). She will do more for your shirt than you could ever imagine.
She will be impressed if you treat your body like a temple too, so try to work out often. Then, you can lounge around in tight bicycle shorts to heat things up. Look at her innocently and say you took a part time job as a messenger and need to wear them for practicality and comfort. (She`d got a good sense of humor.) Since this woman would love a strenuous workout, plan an active, feather-flying pillow fight or try chasing her around the yard. Feeling randy? Toss her into a snow drift. The aim here is to get her pulse rate up then convince her she won`t need her morning run with you around.
Zodiac Dating Guide (Male)
Disclaimer : This is not my writing, if these are yours, contact me and proper credit will be given
Just something a friend sent to me yet again
Sagittarius Male <– ME!
Your Sagittarius guy has a strong intellect, penetrating thought process and continual curiosity(yes I’m the curious type) about the world around him. Your man is ready for a deep discussion on ethics, morality, politics, philosophy, or religion, so go ahead one night and tackle The Meaning Of Life. Unlike Gemini, who focuses on details of the here and now, Sagittarius looks at the entire sweep of collected knowledge and tries to make sense out of the big picture. His most attractive qualities are his faith and optimism, and his customary cheer will endear him to you. This sign also has major wanderlust, so pack your glacier glasses and bug spray if you want to travel with him on his jaunts to the most exotic locales. Finally, this is the sign of the ultimate jock. Many of our most gifted Olympians are born under this sign and he will require lots of physical activity. If he sounds like a handful, it`s because he is, but such an interesting handful!
Your Challenge
Your Sagittarius man likes the bachelor life more than most signs, so getting him to commit may take some doing. Freedom is something he values enormously and it`s crucial for him to be able to do what he wants to do.
How To Handle Him
“Mens sanis in corpore Sagittarius” Sag has so much energy he will need some sort of regular exercise to keep him from going completely mental. If he needs to spend what you believe to be inordinate amounts of time at the gym, don`t hassle him– humor him instead. (You won`t be able to win this one anyway). Enjoy his beautiful shoulders and abs and glutes and tell him he looks just like the Diet Coke man.
Sag is great because they always tell the truth,(sometimes 🙂 ) but sometimes hearing unvarnished truth can be rough on the rest of us. They have no sense of diplomacy, so if you ask their opinion, be ready to hear it! In love, Sag needs lots of sex and sports but he has an equal need for an intellectual partner. He will want his woman to stay up to date on political issues and trends and he will enjoy lively and even heated debates. If he needs regular nights out with the boys, say “fine.” Nothing spoils a relationship faster for a Sag than a sense of claustrophobia.
Things To Do, Gifts To Buy
Equipment for his favorite sport or new workout clothing would be good, and if you are feeling generous, a membership to a health club would be ideal (that would be a subtle acknowledgment of his manly physical prowess). This sign adores animals too, so you could surprise him with that pet Dalmatian puppy he wants.
Sagittarius is a sophisticated sign that enjoys international cuisine. When taking him to dinner read the reviews and find an unusual restaurant such as one that serves Vietnamese, Japanese, Turkish, or Thai cuisine. Afterwards, continue the international theme by going to a foreign flick. Often guys from this sign are good with languages(i only know 3 languages :() and at the very least enjoy a good debate, so chose a movie with a substantial plot (no, The Bodyguard won`t quite cut it.) This sign loves sports, as participant rather than a spectator. Suggest you go swimming, play tennis or do any sport where you can keep up your end fairly well. His ego is not fragile, this guy doesn`t want you to let him win for he enjoys and admires strong women(very true). So give him a real workout on the courts and you`ll both win!
The more things you do in the great outdoors, the better, for he likes to be in expansive space. You know where this is all leading in terms of your seduction–your Sagittarius lover would be thrilled if you suggested making love al fresco. This could be a problem if you are moved to do this in winter and live in a freezing region of the country. Since Sag is the sign of the centaur, chances are he likes horseback riding, so how about seducing him in the barn on top of an old-fashioned hay stack? Start by telling him how perfect his riding “seat” is and how you couldn`t get your eyes off him. Since Sagittarius is the sign ruling the thighs, gently stroking him there will drive him wild with desire. If the weather is warmer, seduce him out in the wide open spaces, in a private, lush and green setting, under the full moon and stars. Can you think of anything more romantic?
Sexy Girls
This is just a random thought, why would I bring up the topic of sexy girls, let me first lay down the grounds of this rambling…
About a year back I once commented to a girl that she looks sexy, something in the likes of “seksi la pulak ari nih :)” What happened u might ask… was she happy with the compliment? No… she broke into tears…Not just a bit of tear… She was sobbing, I was stumped, what did I just do ? Did I criticize her look? Did I say a bad word? … Luckily my ex was around at that time and she comforted the girl. While managing to give me a cross look. :p This came back to me coz I met the girl yesterday… Managed to give her a smile which she returned with a hi.. then I sort of run off … ekeke don’t want a girl to cry again laaa…
So here comes the question… does women consider men saying they are sexy as a compliment or not? I believe it is so. Or is it that I’m just dumb enough to think that women like men complementing or their sexiness… Any how why would a women dress up anyway… surely because they wanted attention and at least a compliment eh. If they don’t appreciate the attention then they shouldn’t have dressed up in the first place. And me being nosy guy would surely say something about that … ekekek 🙂 No point saying too much about it anyway.. Girls anything to say?? :p
Here’s a quote from the girl while she was crying “Tak pernah ada orang kata kita seksi sebelum ni :((” 😀 Go figure that!
p/s: The Photo Gallery Section is up and running … feel free to browse through 🙂
[Listening to: Dangerous – Roxette – (3:50)]
Wife version 1, and Girlfriend 7
Disclaimer : This is not my writing, if these are yours, contact me and proper credit will be given
Dear (IT) Technical Support:
I am desperate for some help.
I recently upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 and found that the new program began unexpected child processing and also took up a lot of space and valuable resources. This wasn’t mentioned in the product brochure. In addition Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialisation where it monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Boys Night Out 2.5, and Golf 5.3 no longer run and crash the system whenever selected. Attempting to operate
Saturday Rugby 6.3 always fails but Saturday Shopping 7.1 runs instead. I cannot seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background whilst attempting to run any of my favourite
applications. I am thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0 but uninstall doesn’t work on this program.
please help.
Dear Joe,
This is a very common problem resulting from a basic misunderstanding. Many men upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 thinking that Wife 1.0 is merely a UTILITIES & ENTERTAINMENT program. Whereas Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM designed by its creator to run everything. You are unlikely to be able to purge Wife 1.0 and still convert back to Girlfriend 7.0 as Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this and it is impossible to uninstall, delete or purge the program files from the system once installed. Some people have tried to install Girlfriend 8.0 or Wife 2.0 but have ended up with even more problems. (See in manual under alimony/Child Support and Solicitors Fees).
Having Wife 1.0 installed myself I recommend you keep it installed and deal with the difficulties as best you can. When any faults or problems occur, whatever you think has caused them, you must run the C: \I APOLOGISE program and avoid attempting to use the *Esc-key. It may be necessary to run C:\ I APOLOGISE a number of times but hopefully eventually the operating system will return to normal.
Wife 1.0 although a very high maintenance program can be very rewarding. To get the most out of it consider buying additional software such as Flowers 2.0 and Chocolates 5.0. Do not under any circumstances install Secretary (Short Skirt version) as this is not a supported application for Wife 1.0 and the system will almost certainly crash.
Best of luck
Tech Support
p/s: nice nice nice 🙂 nothing to write as today was boring 😀